Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day tears...

I have to start by saying Happy Mother's Day to all the momma's out there. It certainly is a high calling. My Mother's Day was filled with lots of joy and blessings. I was very honored. There were also many bouts of tears today; both the happy kind and the sorrowful. My sweet and sensitive husband had each of the children pick me out a Mother's Day card which they presented me with this morning. He even had our "princess" give me one that "she" picked out. Then he handed me two more. One made me cry happy tears because it was addressed "to my wife" and it was a beautiful message of adoration and gratefulness. Finally, he handed me yet one more that said "To Mommy". In it he wrote: I miss you very much and I will see you soon. Love you lots, Noah. That was the name we gave our son who died minutes after his birth. He would have been about 17 months old this week had he survived. I thought of him so very much today. I weep as I write this. I doubt I can ever forget this lingering pain; I don't want it to go away to tell you the truth. I loved that boy and do and always will.

All in all it was a beautiful day. Even through the tears my sweet husband held me like he always does and we got through it all together like we always do. I am so very blessed to be a Mom. It is all I ever dreamed of and so very much more. Thank you Lord for this calling and thank you family for your faith in me and your gracious support. Thanks for making my day so grand! I love you!


Unknown said...

You are so right... being a mother truly is a high calling. And one of the best blessings, IMO, is that you already know that and you appreciate that. Most folks that I know realize that its a high calling AFTER their children are raised, when they are dealing with regret and no way of going back and appreciating the blessings in it as they happen.

And you have a very thoughtful husband who loves you very much. That makes you not only a woman with a high calling, but a woman who is doubly blessed! :-) (And I know you KNOW that as well!)

Love you 'sho' much Little Mama dear!

Moore Family said...

Your post brought tears to my eyes.

Hugs, and blessings to you!


MommaJo ~ said...

Amen! So sorry about your Noah.
You posted a comment on my blog. I didn't realize littlemama is brocklees girl! One day I'll get all this straight! :)

Anonymous said...

Little mama,
Your husband is one incredibly sweet man. I am so sorry for your sadness, sending you a Big Hug.

brockleesgirl said...

thanks a lot! I sure will recieve that hug!!!