Wednesday, May 7, 2008

don't want to forget one...

My middle boy had his birthday first actually and it didn't occur to me at the time to 'pay tribute'. He is such a fun, easy-going boy. He provides us with so much joy. He is also the one to try new things without hesitation. Like the time he tried making his own PB&J toast for breakfast. My hubby and I smelled something strange and discovered he had put the PB&J on the bread BEFORE putting it in the toaster! Happy birthday to you too buddy!


Unknown said...

He sure is a great source of smiles, hugs, and pronuciations! Did he get 'vadilla' ice cream with his cake?

Hugs to my sweet grandson! I love him sho much! ~ Nana

Moore Family said...

"My, what big eyes you have."
"the better to see you with my dear"
(little red riding hood)

Sorry, I couldn't resist! What a handsome boy! They are so fun aren't they?!

Anonymous said...

Your blog is wonderful! The photos are amazing. Thank you for sharing!!! From Auntie G