Friday, May 16, 2008

Let the sunshine in...

I needed a "pick-me-up" so I thought I'd blog a bit. I've got the stuffy head thing going on and the body aches that go with it...blech! I also have recieved a bit of troubling mail today that is the kind to make your heart ache too. Not dredging for pity here just trying to perk myself up. I truly am thankful for all the blessings in my life and there are an unspeakable many!

Oh, and let us remember to pray for the grieving families of China's earthquakes... what a terrible and somber situation.

Smooch all your babies, hug your kiddoes real tight, tell your sweetie you love them, and Praise our Almighty Father above for our time here is temporal andeach moment is precious!

May God bless you!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Nice reminder to 'be content in all things' and to praise Him always! Sorry you're having a 'blech' day and I hope tomorrow is brighter and you feel better!

Love you sho much!