Monday, March 24, 2008

TMI crazy morning

I got up at 8 a.m. (with a huge, painful lump in my breast and raging hemerrhoids mind you - there's the TMI) and began to wash the dishes that were in the sink so I could start making buttermilk pancakes for the boys and daddy. I needed to get going with that and get them fed and out of the kitchen so I could make the poppyseed torte and also frosting for the cake I made the night before. I had planned to do all the cooking and prep for Sunday on Saturday but I didn't make it home from the grocery store until 8 pm and I was so sick from the DQ moolatte' that I let my mom talk me into... Anyway, so I am hurrying to get all the prep and cooking done so I can finally get in the shower and try to ease the lump issue and praying that the rear-end issue didn't worsen or I would have to go get another "surgery" done in that region which I want to avoid at all costs. I got all the cooking stuff done as far as I could for the moment and even got all the dishes washed from breakfast. It was about 10 am at this point and we had to leave at 1:00p. I then decided spur-of-the-moment that the boys HAD to have haircuts. They looked so cute dressed up and I figured people would be taking pictures so I didn't want them to have that "hair growing over their ears" look. So I brought my 5 y/o down to the basement to find the clippers. It was then that I noticed the same 5 y/o had left the freezer open all night long (he put the frozen groceries away the night before). Sure enough, a TON of meat was thawed. I grabbed a huge armful of it all to carry upstairs and start cooking again. Hubby was trying to be nice and also felt sorry for me and said "you can just throw it all away". I knew that really wasn't an option - we needed this meat. I managed to get a huge crockpot of mexican pork going and another one full of italian sausages. I also seasoned a rump roast and some porkchops and put those in the freezer to cook later that week. I then took each boy down and very hastily cut their hair. I still needed ashower myself and if the newborn woke up before I could - I might not get one! Well, I DID manage to get a shower in. We also managed to get out the door and to grandma's for Resurrection Sunday dinner without any more problems. I did notice while we were there though that none of the boys' haircuts looked very good. I probably should've left that one alone! :-) After a day like yesterday, I sure am grateful for leftover dessert!


Roehrman said...

Oh Little Mama! Well at least you have pre made meals!

I enjoy your blog.


Moore Family said...

Ak! What a day!


ohhollyf said...

Oh girl, what a busy day you had !
Hope things calm down for you and with all the eating your family will be doing you'll get some rest.

Anonymous said...

Who talked WHOM into the Moolatte?
