Wednesday, March 19, 2008

cloudy days and garden veggies

The weather here has been rather dreary as of late. That tends to put everyone in funky moods. Not so great for mama trying to keep everyone amicable as well as keep herself cheery. I, for one, could definately use some sunshine. Some nice, good old-fashioned fresh air would be good too. Gardening season is around the corner. This time of year always brings mixed emotions for me. I am excited to try again another year but apprehensive at all the work and concerned I will fail yet again. I am not a naturally patient person and my hastiness has proved to be detrimental in the garden. Each year I do it, though, I get a little better. I have spent hours and hours reading and learning and planning. It is all so beautifully structured in my head and then it rarely resembles the mental image when all is said and done. Maybe this year will be better. My hubby says it needs to be what with grocery prices skyrocketing and all the information we have learned this year on genetically modified seeds and pesticides used on produce. Will this be the year we actually grow our own food? I sure hope so. Now if this weather would only cooperate...


Unknown said...

Hey there ~
I just love reading your blog!! The chicken story was hilarious; I feel sure if I lived in the country my animals would high-tail it outta there fast, too! :) I LOVE the 'Liberation' article. I may quote you on my own blog; would you mind?
Melissa aka Texas Girl

brockleesgirl said...

Hi Melissa! Sure, you can quote it - I don't mind...
Thanks for the positive feedback!