Tuesday, June 23, 2009


While listening to the radio the other day, a topic came up that intruigued me and made me want to blog...

What's your definition of 'PEACE'? Many people would say "it's the opposite of war...or a lack of conflict". I want to challenge you to look at it through "spiritual eyes" and see how Jesus talked of it.

John 14:27 says: 27Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.

I believe His definition of peace would be something more like this: a steadiness of mind and heart, a resolve of spirit amidst conflict, trial, and temptation.

Many a beauty queen, Sunday school room, pastor, etc has wished for world peace. Frankly, I don't see that happening while the Lord tarries, but we can have His peace that passes all understanding even now, today!, accompanied by the presence of the Holy Spirit, when we put our faith in Him.

Anyway, I found that interesting... :-)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Titus 2:1-5

1But as for you, speak the things which are proper for sound doctrine: 2that the older men be sober, reverent, temperate, sound in faith, in love, in patience; 3the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things—4that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, 5to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Big-E!

Happy Birthday to my 7 yr. old guy! You are so special and such a blessing sweetheart! We love you VERY VERY much! Hope your day is special.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Ever wonder where you can find out what's all being discussed on Capitol Hill? My husband came across this site recently as is finding it helpful for political information. It is rather disturbing to see the enormous amount of legislation that our Congress-people are supposed to be voting on, but at least there is somewhere to find out what it is all about. I hope you find it helpful.

it is - http://www.opencongress.org (or click on the link above if it works)

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Are you ready to DO something about it?

Pause the player down below and watch this... then it's up to you to go to www.youtube.com to watch the other clips. It is one of those things that is just plain worth it. I have talked with a lot of people, it seems, who feel like they are just waiting for someone to shout "Tea Party!" (Boston...that is). It is almost as if we are on the brink of a mixture between the Revolutionary and Civil Wars; Revolutionary because we are convinced our government is corrupt and leading us astray and we are ready to rid ourselves of its control and Civil because it seems we are so distinctly divided Left & Right on which way to go: conservative or liberal, that I fear we will pack up to our own sides of this country and not coexist anylonger. At least this clip gives an idea of a way to foster hope in these wearying times... the only TRUE hope of course is found in Scripture. And we all know from Scripture how this will all end...but in the meantime it sure is refreshing to hear Americans talking like Mr. Beck below.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

When the goin' gets tough....

...the tough get READY. No one needs to be reminded that "things" are getting tighter, tougher, and a little uncertain economically and politically. I DO think it's important to remember though that we can be as prepared as possible in the midst of these things. There are a lot of very useful online resources (as well as at the library) to help with this. I will include some of my favorites at the end of this post. Here at home we are making a kind of check list to help ourselves feel more prepared for whatever turn this country is making. Take a look at it and let it encourage you to begin one with our family's needs, talents, and priorities in consideration.

-Make a larger, more productive garden this year. (and be prepared to freeze and can what we get).
-Stock up on the basics (bread-making materials, dry goods, etc).
-Revisit the old financial budget and make as many adjustments as possible allowing for vast cut-backs where possible. (starting a budget if you don't already have one is darn near mandatory).
-reducing any and all debt (eliminating it is best!).
-learning skills you might need in the near future (fishing, sewing, gardening, canning, home remedies, etc.).
-keep an eye on local and federal political climates - and respond accordingly. This government IS movable by the people. (for better or worse)

Here are some of my favorite websites on all these topics:

Frugal/Homemade cooking and shopping:



Outdoorsmen resourses:



Natural Health/ Healing:




Wednesday, March 4, 2009

conservative, good speech

This is worth watching. Pause the player below and enjoy. The rest of them are available on either Huc Pac website or youtube.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Great puzzle maker

Here is a link to a really cool home schooling tool.
It is a free puzzle maker. You can put in some words or facts and make your own work sheets for whatever lesson you are working on. Or have your older students make the puzzle themselves. A really great resource!


Wednesday, February 4, 2009

quirky favorite things

I am a sucker for pretty things that are ALSO practical - especially if it can be used in more than one way. I love it when things that look like decor are actually usable... in the same respect I like to put things I use out as part of the decor until I need to use them. For example, I have a bright red porcelain pitcher bowl that sits on a shelf in my kitchen. It looks as though it is a "special one" that is only for show but it isn't - I use it all the time.

This is a picture of one of my favorite lamps. I like it because it is funky and usable and because my Grandma gave it to me. I love just about everything she gives me. It is just a mason jar with a special lid that has lamp wiring attached. I put some cute stuffed toys in it that my husband got as a gag gift from our nephew. That actually makes it kind of creepy, but I could put anything in there to change the look...

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Natural Learning

Lately I've been thinking a lot about the little "bubble" I live in with my happy little family. I too easily forget that we are part of a minority when it comes to home-schooling and family time. Most of my friends are stay-at-home-moms who home-school and we are blessed to be attending a church with mostly the same type of family structures. I realize now that I am super blessed to have this life with my little ones and that it is a gift I can help share with others. I do get asked a lot how we do what we do at home. Just the other day in a restaurant an older couple was talking to our older boys and enjoying conversation with them. The lady commented to me on how well-behaved, etc they were (thank heavens they were acting appropriately :-) ). She then asked what grades they are in and where they go to school. My six yr. old answered for me that they are home-schooled. That's when the single woman sitting behind them piped in that "Oh, they are?" and then began the questions directed from both tables as to "Well, do they have to take tests?" "Do you get their schoolwork from the School Board" etc etc. It was like fielding questions at a mini press-conference. Good thing I like to talk to strangers! :-)
It made me further realize how odd our way of "schooling" may seem to those so unfamiliar with the concept of mom and kids at home all the time TOGEHTER. We do use books, and computer programs, and other various resources but we are very much NOT bound to any specific curriculum. I have looked at many many curricula and have found them to either be very expensive or lacking in material I desire the kids to learn (or both!). Recently we have begun a series of projects that occupy a good portion of our school time that are incorporating our "subjects" all together. For example, this past week we made a family board game. It is a compilation of different themes all thrown together (Bible trivia, animal trivia, family information, spy adventures, super-heroes ). They used extreme creative-thinking skills to decide how it would work and what it would look like. They used their art skills to design and decorate it. They used writing skills to create the cards and board instructions. I helped them a lot, but a lot was their doing too. Then we all played it when Daddy came home. He thought it was so great he wants to come up with a way to market it. :-) (I think he's biased).
Anyway, this is just a great example of how learning just comes so naturally to children. Their creativity is just constantly wanting an outlet. It can be daunting for a parent to try and harness that creative energy and direct it toward productivity - but it can be done! We take walks to srudy animal tracks in the snow, and we discuss all manner of world events and geography. We don't take too seriously the mundane bookwork although I am inclined to require some of that as well. I endeavor for us to read more outloud together as we have yet to make this a consistent part of our day. They really enjoy our singing/Bible times in the morning. We make it fun. Try to anyway. Sometimes I have to coax them to do something they assume will be boring but usually they tell me later that it was way more fun than they'd anticipated. We also do a lot of activities that can incorporate many ages. I have a baby, a toddler, and two in different grades so we take many lessons and adapt them to everyone's needs. We are currently in a study on Blackbeard the pirate, for example, and everyone can participate at some level. Some things they do completely on their own; and others we pair off and work one at a time with mom. I think they like that time best. I know I do.The proof is definately in the pudding. My kids like being with me - even though I'm not a perfect mom or teacher (by a LONGSHOT!). They still love being home with me and I them.
I write this as an encouragement for those that are currently educating their families at home and as enticement for those "on the fence" regarding the matter. Enjoy your families today!