Wednesday, December 31, 2008

baby steps

My little girl is learning to walk at just 10 months old. This is how she taught herself. She pushes an old wooden children's chair around on our kitchen floor. It's sturdy enough that she can't easily pull it over on top of herself. She is no longer using the chair and is venturing about 4-5 steps on her own. She's getting so big!


Unknown said...

Maybe I should have gotten you a pair of jet-propelled roller skates for Christmas so you will be able to keep up with this little girl! She's just advancing by leaps and bounds! While keeping up with her may be a challenge, I know you're up to it! :-)

MommaJo ~ said...

Awww! That is so cute. My kids all walked by 10 mos, too. Keaton was crusing at 8 months!
Hope you are well! Take care!

Anonymous said...

Umm, didn't you just have her? I can't believe she's walking. My son was walking at 7 months. Kept me on my toes! :)