Monday, October 20, 2008

knock-knock jokes

Recently we've endured a few bouts of vandals damaging our mailbox. The first time they blew it up and this last time they smashed it unrecognizably. My six year old son was particularly confused by these acts and even became quite angry at what he called "These bad boys" who were doing this to our property without cause. That morning as he stared out the front window at where our mailbox used to be he asked me what we should do about this? I thought a minute and answered, "Well honey, I think that the best thing we could do right now is pray for the boys that did this so they could not be like this any longer". He contemplated that for a second or two and then replied,"Or we could just tell them some knock-knock jokes!" LOL ... he has such a great sense of humor he probably thinks that would fix 'em for sure! :-)


Unknown said...

Hey Ewi!

Knock, knock...

Who's there?


Olive who?

Olive You!

Kiss - Smooch,

Anonymous said...

I love kids!